"Empowering Women's Groups for Resilience through Green Innovations for Economic Transformation"
Venue: Hidden Treasure Nursery, Bwala, Masaka, Uganda
Date: June 9th, 2023
The workshop aimed to achieve the following objectives:
- - To train programme participants to become expert change agents who can facilitate development and welfare of families.
- - To sensitize members about improving their environment by using available and appropriate resources around their homes to generate income.
- - To share experiences from each member on how to manage and promote Life Planning Skilling.
- - To train members in coping skills to address issues such as those brought about by climate change, crises, and pandemics.
- - To equip members with skills in problem analysis, problem-posing, and problem-solving.
The workshop brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including:
- - Executive committee members
- - Church members
- - Community well-wishers
- - Programme participants
The programme participants expected to gain more insight and skills on how to generate income using accessible resources. They also expected to market their ideas and products, gain financial support, and eventually purchase modern equipment to increase productivity.
Lessons Learnt: The workshop provided valuable lessons, including:
- - The power of working together and building evidence of individual contributions.
- - Recognizing that lack of knowledge and attitude are major causes of poverty.
- - The importance of adding value to resources to turn them into useful materials.
- - The role of mentorship in development.
- - The benefits of diversifying incomes and building trust within the group.
Way Forward:
The programme participants promised to continue promoting lessons learnt and engagement in their community groups. The executive team plans to organize more exhibitions and invite more people to participate, with the goal of marketing products and achieving better outcomes.
Concluding Remarks and Recommendations
When communities are organized as economically viable groups, they can share skills, experiences, and talents to make money and contribute to economic sustenance and social transformation. The chairperson of the executive committee appreciated the programme participants and encouraged them to continue with the same spirit and commitment.
- Continue to promote lessons learnt and engagement in community groups.
- Organize more exhibitions and invite more people to participate.
- Encourage communities to organize themselves into economically viable groups.
- Provide ongoing training and support to programme participants.
- Monitor and evaluate the impact of the workshop on community development and economic transformation.